Track Record of Putting Public Safety First!

Brad Johnson
From Lincoln Elementary in Anoka to
elected Coon Rapids City Councilmember - an accomplished attorney with thousands of cases seeking justice and protecting families, children, and our community along the way

Key Reasons to Vote Brad Johnson for Anoka County Attorney
1. Trusted Local Leader​
Coon Rapids City Councilmember - 8 years
Anoka County Joint Law Enforcement Council
Anoka County Fire Protection Council
Watershed District Board of Managers 4+ years
See the "About" page for more details
2. Supports Police Officers, Fire Fighters, and Veterans
Only Candidate Ever Endorsed by Anoka County Sheriff's Office Deputies, Local 222 - 80+ Sworn Deputies
Only Candidate Endorsed by Any Anoka County Fire Fighter Organization - Coon Rapids Local 1935
Married to Daisy, a Sergeant in the MN Air National Guard.
See the "Endorsements" Page for More Details
3. Priorities
Public Safety First - Tough Felony Prosecutor with an 8-Year Plan called "Criminal Justice 2030"
Good Local Government - Only Candidate who has Significant Private Legal Experience Representing Clients plus being Elected to Local Boards and Councils
Fiscal Responsibility - Only Candidate who has been Accountable to the Taxpayers for a Public Budget
See the "Vision" Page for More Details

An Open Letter to the Citizens of Anoka County
Dear friends and neighbors,
Thank you for believing in me. I love Anoka County. During two terms as a Coon Rapids City Councilmember and as a current member of the Anoka County Joint Law Enforcement Council, I have always enjoyed your support in making our community in Anoka County a better and safer place.
I am now running to be the next Anoka County Attorney.
The County Attorney is the chief prosecutor for all felony and juvenile crime in the county, as well as the lead attorney responsible for advising the County Board and all the County Departments.
An Anoka County native and a graduate of Anoka Senior High School, I know Anoka County as well as anyone. With well over 24 years in practice as an accomplished felony prosecutor, child protection lawyer, and trial lawyer, I have the skills and broad experience to excel as County Attorney. With a lifetime of experience and long dedication to public service, I have significant relationships throughout the region that can benefit Anoka County.
I have a proven track record of using my experience to improve the delivery of services to Anoka County residents. I have studied under some of the best prosecutors in Minnesota, including among others my grandfather, Robert W. Johnson, and my father, Robert M.A. Johnson. I know how to protect our neighborhoods and to improve the administration of justice in the county. And I will make sure that our local law enforcement has the advice, training, and support it needs to succeed. With the right vision and leadership, Anoka County can be a model for other counties to follow.
Please join me and support our effort. We all do better when we all work together. And together we can assure that Anoka County will be a great home where families, individuals, and businesses can thrive.